Due to oncoming unpredictable weather conditions, and for the safety of our volunteers and congregation, all Wednesday-Night ministries and activities have been canceled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
🚨 Wednesday Ministries Canceled 2/12/25 🚨
🚨 Wednesday Ministries Canceled 2/12/25 🚨
Due to oncoming unpredictable weather conditions, and for the safety of our volunteers and congregation, all Wednesday-Night ministries and activities have been canceled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
why we're here
Here at BBC, we believe that the Lord Jesus Christ clearly outlined His mission for the church with His final instructions to His followers: “Go throughout all the world and make disciples” Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus was telling his disciples that the mission would start right where they were and then expand to the ends to the earth.
We seek to join this mission by loving, serving, and reaching people locally, regionally, and globally. Our goal is to be a community continuing what Jesus started. We encourage every person to begin their faith journey with a relationship with Jesus. After that, they are called to build relationships with other believers, equip and train themselves with the goal of transforming to be more like Christ, and joining the church in its mission to reach the world with the gospel.
current sermon series
Authentic Christianity
What does an authentic Christian actually look like? How do they live, How do they love others and where do they find such assurance of their salvation? The book of 1 John lays out for us in detail how we can cultivate an authentic, assured faith.
We love our Community!
At BBC, we care about our community, and we are honored and humbled to be the kind of church that gets to help meet some of the tangible needs in our community. Learn more about how we connect with our community below!
we want to meet you!
upcoming events